How To achieve good level of Fitness

Does muscle mass affect BMI?
The BMI of the left hand side bodybuilder may classify him wrongly as obese. “BMI underestimates the amount of body fat in overweight / obese people and over estimates it in lean or muscular people”.

A healthy balance between fat and muscle is vital for health and wellness throughout life. Being lean intrinsically indicates greater muscle mass development.

Excess body fat is negative for Health. And above-average muscle mass [Fat- Free Mass] is more likely to be positive.

Fat-Free mass plays dominant role in fitness.

Fat - Free Mass

What is fat free mass?
Fat free mass is nothing but- body’s water, bone, organ tissue,  muscle, & blood content but not fat.
Fat free mass is more stable than fat throughout the life in adults due to it’s style of formation .

Total body weight is lean-[Fat-free mass] plus fat.
If your weight is 160 pounds [72.6 kg] & 10% fat means your lean body mass is 144 pounds [65 kg]  & fat is 16 pound [7kg].

In most of the people Fat-free mass [i.e. lean body mass] ranges from 60 – 90% of the body mass, & 10-40% of body fat based on their sex, age and fitness.
Fat-free mass count is higher in young people and in males.

How BMI is related to fat & fat free mass?
High BMI is due to-
1> high fat-free mass
2> high body fat
3> or both.

Fat-free mass is basically about muscle mass when it comes to body composition or weight management.

Scientific evidence shows that a healthy body composition will increase your lifespan. Reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, insulin resistance, etc.; increase energy levels, and improve self-esteem.

When you have high BMI due to high muscle mass then there is no negative impact on your health.

But High BMI due to High body fat is a concern for health. Therefore, till now BMI is used as health indicator.

Note- some fat is essential to your health.

Weight Management

If you are exercising hard your muscle mass will increase and may increase your total body weight too.

Leanness refers to the muscle, bone, and fat composition of one’s body weight.

It’s time to quit sedentary lifestyle.
When we fix sedentary lifestyle with physical activity, it helps muscles to grow.

Since Muscle are compact, dense, heavy,  muscular tissue takes up less space in the body than fat tissue, body composition as well weight, determines leanness.

Muscles act as an engine in consuming energy. As your muscle mass increases, the rate at which you burn energy [calories] increases which accelerates your basal metabolic rate [BMR] and helps you reduce excess body fat levels and lose weight in a healthy way.

Higher muscle mass have higher metabolism rate, burns more calories each day even during rest. Fat stores energy, which is not been consumed.
[Note : 1lb muscle burns 7-10 calories during the day, But 1lb Fat burns only 2-3 calories during the day.]

Healthy lean mass contributes to weight management, since balanced ratio of lean mass to fat helps your body functioning well.

At increased metabolic rate, less energy is put into fat, helps you to maintain a healthy weight.

Weight Loss!!

Changes in lifestyle are major contributors to the current epidemic of overweight and obesity.

Energy‐dense diets rich in fats and refined sugars promote weight gain, and high sugar and salt intakes also induce an increase in blood pressure.

Energy density is reduced by higher intake of vegetables and fruit, which the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension

Traditionally, low‐calorie diets (800–1500 kcal per day), which incorporate various methods for restricting intake, have been recommended for weight management.

Generally, these strategies aim to provide a macro nutrient composition of 30–35% energy from fat, 50% from total carbohydrate and 10–15% from protein, thereby moving individuals towards national dietary guidelines.

Mediterranean diet lost more weight but, even after accounting for this, there was a 39% reduction in the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome.

Physical activity recommendations of 30 min of moderate activity on at least 5 days of the week are associated with improved fitness and protection from cardiovascular diseases. However, recent evidence highlights a requirement for 45–60 min per day to maintain lowered weight and prevent weight regain.

Reduction in the time spent in sedentary behaviors  (such as television watching) is an important strategy for increasing physical activity and energy expenditure in children and young people.

Obesity is preventable!!

Get rid of obesity before it take s a toll on your Health.

The effective measures on obesity is to -Limit your food intake, Make your food choice smartly, Do not opt sedentary lifestyle.

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