Best Ways To Lose Weight and keep it Off

There isn’t a person on earth who doesn’t want to lose weight for fabulous look.
In the world of weight-loss, to shed some pounds / kg, a strong focus on long-term habit change rewards the goal.
Refer the guide of  the  uncomplicated easy To follow Best ways To lose weight & keep it off!!
Once the fitness would be internally motivated, then Your spent time, dedication, willpower, sacrifice, temptation will help you in achieving your fitness score. When you reach your goal , it’s worth it.

To fight with obesity it is need to understand the root cause of Obesity.

In Today’s Modern Lifestyle we are more addicted to energy-dense, big-portions, and fast-food meals.
Urbanization & sedentary lifestyle are toppings on it.
Results  Obesity!!
Since possible major contributors to the recent increase of obesity are intake of High energy density foods / excessive energy, a lack of physical activity & insufficient sleep, There is need to change eating habits & sedentary lifestyle for Healthy weight.
A diet is diet if it is successfully sustainable. For diet to be sustainable it should be culturally diverse.

Your Healthy & Happy Weight Loss journey begins here!!

These healthy weight loss tips will be based on Healthy Nutritious Diet, exercising & sleeping. The Healthy lifestyle guidelines will be easy but nevertheless challenging.

Power of D.E.S.I.

Healthy Nutritious Diet, Exercise, Sleep & "I"

Mantra From Fat To Fit without Fad Diets

Follow The Roadmap of Fitness For everyone – Scientifically Proved Easy To Follow Happy weight loss Tips.
Lose Fat in effective & proven ways with Easy To Follow Weight Loss Tips!!

Let’s dive right in without wasting time!!

Easy To Follow Healthy Weight Loss Tips

#Weight Loss Secrets :-

Golden Rule - 1
Go for Healthy Nutritious Diet For weight loss

Healthy Nutritious Balanced Diet ..BUT No FAD Dieting is the healthiest way to lose weight.

How to eat right healthy balanced nutritious Food is the most important thing on weight loss diet program.

Golden Rule - 2
Right start for the Day results in fat loss.

What should I drink on an empty stomach in the morning to lose weight?

When you first wake up drink 3 glass of Lukewarm water at sitting position.Do not gulp water. Do not eat anything for at least 30 minutes.

Drinking water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach results in :- it cleans toxins from body, boost your metabolism , gives your brain fuel , helps in fat loss . This is great to speed up metabolism and known the best way to  cleanse the system.

Golden Rule - 3
Drink Water To Lose weight in a week

How Water Can help You Lose Weight?

It is suggested to drink water before you eat to lose weight.

Two 8-ounce glasses of water just before you eat helps you to lose weight. – 2010 study (Dennis)

Over a 12 week period, dieters (55-75 ages ) who drank water before meals, three times a week, lost about 5 pounds (nearly 2.3 kg) more than dieters who did not increase their water intake.  – Researchers from Virginia Tech

Note : The elderly have low water reserves compared to younger people. Because of this, it is prudent for seniors to learn to get into the water drinking habit more.

Golden Rule - 4
Proper metabolism to kick start in the body

Proper metabolism to kick start in the body, rehydration plays an important role.

1st meal – Start your day with banana / soaked black raisins 8 to 10  / soaked Almonds 8 to 10

Suitable nutritious food for Suitable type of persons:

 After drinking water, eat a banana for normal people. People with Mood swing have to take black raisins.. Diabetic people have to take almond.

Why choosing banana / black raisins /almonds?

Golden Rule - 5
Light dinner for weight loss.

Eating a very large meal at dinner overloads your digestive system thus,helping in storing fat in the body.

Restricting when you eat to 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. can reduce overall calorie intake by 244, according to another study.

The best option is to Eat Rice / khichadi for Dinner.

Why You should eat rice? Which are the hidden nutrients in Rice? Does Eating rice results in weight gain?

Golden Rule - 6
Snacks between 4-6pm makes dinner light helps in weight loss.

Well, by eating something wholesome in the evening (Between 4PM to 6 PM)  helps to have  light  dinner .. This is the make or break meal, this decides whether you will have long lasting fitness or whether it will fizzle out in the next couple of weeks. And this is the Golden Rule – eat a wholesome meal between 4-6 pm in the evening.


Golden Rule - 7
Time gap between dinner and sleep

How Long Should You Wait After Eating to Go to Sleep?

In general, it is recommended that you wait for 2 to 3 hours between your last meal and bedtime. This allows digestion to occur and the contents of your stomach to move into your small intestine. This may prevent problems like heartburn at night and even insomnia.

Does your body digest food while you sleep?

Please note that sleeping after eating causes digestive problems because you’re not in an upright position which is the preferred way for your body to digest food. If you continually sleep after eating, it can possibly lead to a number of digestive diseases.

Golden Rule - 8
Simple secret of portion control For weight loss

Portion control is extremely important for weight loss. Apart from eating right, eating in the right amounts, a.k.a., portion control is one important factor that decides how much and how quickly you will lose weight.


While eating favorite food portion SIZE  is more IMPORTANT than completely eliminating certain food items(that leads to more cravings).

Lisa Young, Ph.D., RD, author of The Portion Teller Plan says: – “You don’t want to feel like you’re on a diet, but you have to eat fewer calories.”

‘WHAT and HOW MUCH you place on your plate reflects your body size.’

Think twice before UP SIZING your meal, it may save you some money but it will certainly add a few Kg to the body.

Golden Rule - 9
Learn the art to stop eating at right moment for fat Loss

When is the best time to stop eating for weight loss?

Stop Eating when you are 80% full.

The Okinawans (inhabit remote Japanese islands) Mantra of living – At every meal , they stop eating when they feel about 80% satisfied,

Do not eat  any extra food after that.

Combating Obesity, eating less is thought to reduce overall stress on the body’s systems, helping cut your disease risk.

Golden Rule - 10
Go for Whole Food Plant-Based diet.

Can I lose weight on a plant based (vegan) diet?

Plantbased diets  are just as effective as other diets for weight loss and weight maintenance. The fiber found in fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and whole grains will help you maintain a healthy body weight.  At 1,200 calories, this plant based (vegan) weight loss meal plan sets you up to lose a healthy 1 to 2 pounds per week.

Plant-based diets benefit both glycemic control and cardiovascular health because they are low in saturated fat, rich in photo chemical, high in fiber and often rich in low-glycemic fruits and vegetables. – For the study, published in the journal Clinical Nutrition.

Why should you try plant based diet?

Can Turmeric good for weight loss, fat burning, and metabolism?

There are numerous benefits of turmeric, one of which is improving metabolic function to support healthy weight management.
Curcumin, a substance in turmeric, may help reduce inflammation in the body.

Several reports suggest that curcumin present in turmeric has potential in the prevention and treatment of obesity, diabetes, atherosclerosis, and metabolic syndrome. Curcumin has been reported to modulate numerous targets that have been linked to obesity and insulin resistance.

Golden Rule - 11
Weight loss: Feel full on Low calorie density with High Fiber Food

Calorie density is the amount of calories per volume of food.

Stretch receptors are located throughout the stomach. When they are triggered by food , they send signals to your  brain to tell you to stop eating. With high fiber, whole plant foods, you can eat the most quantity for the least amount of calories.

Eat low energy density & high Fiber food

Golden Rule - 12
Which are Low Energy Dense Food For weight Loss?

‘Energy density’ is the amount of energy (or calories) per gram of food.

Lower energy density foods provide fewer calories per gram of food .This means that you can have satisfying portions of these foods with a relatively low calorie content. Evidence suggests that diets with a low energy density can help people maintain a healthy body weight.

Why Low energy density foods?

Low energy density foods include foods with a high water content , foods  that absorb water during cooking and foods that are naturally high in water.
High energy density foods tend to include foods that are high in fat and have a low water content.
Energy density = no of calories / weight (grams)
Low energy density foods = 0.6 to 1.5 kcal/g
ex : Fruits , vegetables , rice ,soups etc
Medium energy density foods = 1.5 to 4 kcal/g
ex pizza, fried chips, pastries and cakes, and jams etc.
High energy density foods = more than 4 kcal/g
e.g. biscuits and confectionery, fried crisps, peanuts, cheese, butter, oil and mayonnaise etc.

Conclusion : Low-energy-dense foods can be an effective strategy to counteract the effect of large portions on intake and can help to enhance satiety and control hunger while restricting energy intake for weight management.

References : British nutrition foundation . The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Golden Rule - 13
Curb the sugar cravings and lead a healthy life

Limiting intake of added sugar (“empty” calories) is very important to weight control.

 The first thing to know:  added sugars, of one kind or another, are almost everywhere in the modern diet For ex:- sandwich, bread, biscuits, salad dressings, pickles, crackers, yogurt and cereals as well as in the obvious foods and drinks like soda and desserts.

Sugar provides calories with no other nutrients — “empty” calories.

 It also goes quickly into the blood as blood sugar, where it triggers an insulin release. High levels of insulin help foster weight gain, and particularly fat around the middle, where it does the most harm. Perhaps more important, sugar and sweetness trigger appetite, so we simply tend to eat more when sugar is added to an ingredient list.

So, for many reasons, limiting intake of added sugar is very important to weight control/ weight maintenance.

As per American Heart Association (AHA)…
 “Women consume no more than six teaspoons of sugar daily, which is about 100 calories. Men should aim for less than nine teaspoons, or about 150 calories from sugar.”
As per World Health Organization (WHO)…
“People should get no more than 10 percent of their daily calories from sugar.”

Curb those sugar cravings and lead a healthy life.

When the sweet tooth hurts –

Fruit is really a miracle food. It’s sweet, delicious and full of  nutrients and fiber. For people who want a sweet every day, fruit is the way to go. Jaggery also can be better substitute option for sugar.

Golden Rule - 14
One Spoon Less - A key For Healthy & Fit lifestyle

Restricting for SOS i.e. Sugar, Oil , and Salt will prevent health disease & obesity.

Follow the “One Spoon Less” principle to stay healthy.

Golden Rule - 15
Eat Desi Ghee For weight loss

Can ghee make you lose weight? Is ghee good for fat loss?

Ghee is packed with essential Amino acids , makes the fat cells to shrink in size.Since ghee is rich in  omega-3 fats (DHA) & omega-6 (CLA), it can be useful for weight loss.
Ghee contains conjugated linoleic acid, which is a type of omega-6 fatty acids . Omega-6 fats help in increasing lean body mass while reducing fat mass. Hence, when consumed with the right quantity aids in weight loss.

Eat Ghee Without fear, without guilt, without doubt.
How much ghee can I eat a day for weight loss?

Golden Rule - 16
Avoid Sedentary lifestyle

Be Active – Move more, sit less. Body remains healthy if it keeps moving. The problem in our world today is that we sit too much.

Human beings were meant for constant activity and not constant sitting.

Sitting is now identified as an independent risk factor to lifestyle diseases, much like smoking.

It means that even if you are eating right, working out, sleeping on time, not stressed, etc., but sit too much & having healthy weight ,  you are still at a risk of diabetes, heart diseases, hormonal disorders and even death.

We are much more sedentary than we ever were. We are an inactive community, especially all of us in urban and semi-urban setting, and its time to change.

Golden Rule - 17
Walking at least 45 Minutes a Day helps in weight loss!!

Trim your waistline – Physical activity doesn’t need to be  complicated. Something as simple as a daily brisk walk for 45 Minutes a Day. Golden rules 2 & 17 along with calorie deficit is a great combination  for weight loss.

Golden Rule - 18
One session of weekly Structure Exercise worth for fat loss!

Start with at least one session of strength training every week.It is a straight call from the heart – exercise.

All of us talk about how we gain weight post 30, but we are losing muscle, so then what weight are we gaining? That of fat. But you cannot measure fatness on the weighing scale.

This continuous and progressive loss of muscles and bone density can be reversed with exercise. Not just exercise actually, but a structured exercise. One that includes strength (weight) training and follows some basic principles of exercise science, To lose Fat & to gain lean body weight – the weight of your bones and muscles.

Here are some of the benefits from just one session of strength training a week

1. Prevents Diabetes and if you already have it, has the potential to get you on lowered dosages, if not totally off medicines.
2. Regulates period cycle and leads to pain free periods.
3.  Make conception easy if you want a baby.
4. Reduces arthritic pain and uric acid.
5. Reduces Blood pressure and resting heart rate.
6. Improves functioning of the brain.
7. Increases gait speed (can walk faster).
8. Reduces depressive thoughts and improves sleep.

Golden Rule - 19
Hundred steps or shatapavli after dinner

Take a walk after meals. The ancient Ayurvedic prescription of walking for at least 15 to 20 minutes after a meal helps food move through the stomach faster. One study of diabetic patients showed that it may also lower blood sugar levels after eating.

Golden Rule - 20
Does sleep affect weight loss.

With Adequate sleep you will lose fat not muscle.

Many of the fat burning processes take place when you’re asleep. Sleeping anywhere between 6 -10 hours gives your body enough time to burn that fat away.

How to lose weight fast?

Always try to eat on Time. Otherwise Your hunger pan will drive you on unhealthy food platform. Take a time to chew you food properly.
Remember to sustain your eating habits, it should match with your lifestyle. Protein & veggies help you lose body fat even when you’re not working out. Water transfers important nutrients throughout your body. Cardio helps to burn fat. But too much cardio will send your body into a catabolic (muscle-breakdown) state. Thus, extended cardio will keep the cortisol elevated. Elevated cortisol is very catabolic.

Be patient – losing body fat is difficult.
Everyone’s body is different and what works for others may not work for you. One of the greatest moment in life is realizing that two weeks ago, your body couldn’t do what it just did.
Remember it takes 21 days to create habit, It takes 90 days to create healthy lifestyle!!

Hey, workout smarter!! Start your happy fat loss journey here!! Create your own motivational story .  Since you only know your body better, No one else!!

Bottom Line?

Fad diets may help in weight loss but are not sustainable in long run.

Healthy nutritious food is sustainable helps in disease reversal, anti aging and easy to follow.

Also it helps to transform You From Fat To Fit!!

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