Body Fat Percentage Calculator

Body fat percentage determines health status, honor beauty when distributed in the right amounts and locations.

The below calculator uses US Navy & BMI formula to figure out Body fat percentage. Calculate your body fat percentage to know your fitness level.

body fat percentage categorization as per The American Council on Exercise
The American Council on Exercise Body Fat Categorization for male & female

Body Fat Percentage

According to the current research body fat percentage  gives a more accurate measure of fitness than BMI & Body Mass.

Use a tape measure to determine your waist, wrist, hip as the guidelines are given.
Calculate your body fat percentage now.

Body Fat Percentage Calculator

Body fat percentage is the percent of total mass coming from fat in the human body, distinguishes fat from lean mass, defines obesity accurately.

The body fat percentage is an even more accurate measure of relative weight.

It directly measures the proportion of fat- and fat-free mass in our body thus defines fitness more precisely.

What should my Body Fat Percentage be?

Body Fat categorization for Female.

Body Fat Levels For female

Body Fat categorization for Male.

Body Fat Levels For male

What determines my Body Fat Percentage?

Your body fat percentage represents the added amount of fat mass you have.  The amount of essential and storage fat makes up your body fat percentage.

Weight gain is about fat stored/ Storage fat. When we store fat as adipose tissue, we can visually notice it on our body, like belly fat, love handles or maybe lower body fat…

Health status according to body fat scientifically known as adiposity is increasing…

According to the World Health Organization [WHO] adiposity means a BMI of over 30 kg/meter².

The Truth about Storage Body Fat...

Fat cells also called adipocytes, or lipocytes, are the empty tanks where body fat gets stored.

Fat is our fuel tank — a master plan to reserve calories to protect against starvation.

When you eat, your body converts calories it need not use right away into triglycerides. Triglycerides are fat [lipid] found in your blood.

That means Excess calories after meals, alcohol or sugar in the body gets converted into triglycerides and stored in fat cells throughout the body, serving as an energy reserve.

Fat cells release these calories in a controlled fashion, according to the body’s needs. Fat tissue helps to refine our metabolism and immune system. But when fat cells can not function normally, complications start.

Having too many triglycerides in our bloodstream raises our risk of clogged arteries, which can lead to heart attack and stroke.

Storage body fat

Storage fat decreases when we spend more energy than we consume.

It comprises fat accumulation in adipose tissue, part of which protects internal organs in the chest and abdomen.

We burn fatty acids for fuel.

Why are some fats essential to your health?

Essential body fat is present in the nerve tissues, bone marrow, and organs [all membranes].      

This fat is necessary to maintain life and reproductive functions. Hence we cannot lose this fat without compromising physiological function.

It is approximately 3% of body mass for men and 12% of body mass for women.

The essential body fat percentage for women is greater than that for men, because of the demands of pregnancy and other hormonal functions. A high level of Essential fat would cause a negative impact on physical and physiological health.

The total body fat percentage [essential plus storage fat] is between 12% and 15% for young men and between 25% and 28% for young women.

A warning about low Body Fat Percentage!!

When You have a focus on low body fat percentage, make sure that fat percentage allows your body’s basal metabolism to function properly.

The metabolic demands of our large brain under resting conditions is about one of every three calories we consume.

Lack of required calories can cause immediate loss of consciousness raises the risk for coma or death. Striving for a low body fat percentage can cause hormonal disruptions and raises alarm for the future of brittle bones and chronic hunger.

How much fat is ok?

Most Researchers used cut-points off-

Body fat percentage > 30% in women &> 25% in men to show obesity.

In women, with aging there is an increased accumulation of fat because of menopause. However, In men, due to aging change in sex hormone concentrations could  explain the increased accumulation of fat.

Both sexes develop fat in the upper part of the body and accumulate with an increase in visceral fat for aging.

waist to hip ratio is an easy but not entirely accurate way to measure your visceral fat.

What is the best heart rate to burn fat?

To enter the fat-burning zone, your heart rate should be 70 percent of your maximum Heart rate.

How to track effortlessly fat-burning Heart rate?

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Effective Measurement: Waist-to-hip ratio (WHR)

​​waist to hip ratio is an easy but not entirely accurate way to measure your visceral fat.​​

Why does waist size also matter?

Carrying excess fat around your stomach can raise your risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and stroke. You can have a healthy BMI and still have excess tummy fat, showing the health risk of developing these conditions. Measuring your waist is a good way to check fat levels around the stomach.

To measure your waist:

Read more…

1>The waist is more conveniently measured simply at the smallest circumference of the natural waist, usually just above the,
2>and the hip circumference may likewise be measured at its widest part of the buttocks or hip.

How To measure the waist-To-Hip ratio?

Read more…

WHO states that “abdominal obesity defines waist-hip ratio > 0.90 for males and > 0.85 for females, or a body mass index (BMI] above 30.0.”

Tips to reduce belly fat quickly.

Read more…

1. One way to reduce total abdominal fat is High-intensity exercise .
2. One study suggests at least 10 MET [metabolic equivalent task] – hours per week of aerobic exercise  causes visceral fat reduction.

Consequences of excess fat distribution.

The US National Institutes of Health [NIH] has marked that excessive body fat corresponds with a higher risk of various diseases. Know your health risk…

Scientific citation & References.
  1. Irving BA, Davis CK, Brock DW, Weltman JY, Swift D, Barrett EJ, Gaesser GA, Weltman A (November 2008).
    Effect of exercise training intensity on abdominal visceral fat and body composition.-[]
    Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 40 (11): 1863–72. doi:[] 10.1249/MSS.0b013e3181801d40PMC . PMID [] 18845966.
  2. Coker RH, Williams RH, Kortebein PM, Sullivan DH, Evans WJ (August 2009). [] -Influence of exercise intensity on abdominal fat and adiponectin in elderly adults. Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders. 7 (4): 363–68. doi:[″ ]10.1089/met.2008.0060. PMC []3135883. PMID []19196080.
  3. Ohkawara K, Tanaka S, Miyachi M, Ishikawa-Takata K, Tabata I (December 2007). “A dose-response relation between aerobic exercise and visceral fat reduction: systematic review of clinical trials”. International Journal of Obesity. 31 (12): 1786–97. doi:[]10.1038/sj.ijo.0803683. PMID []17637702.
  4. The truth about body fat.
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